Solo Voice and Piano Including Arias
Daniel Catan Daniel Catán
“Comprendo” (1992-1993)
Song, excerpt from Antonieta: A Musical
Libretto by Manuel Acuña
v, pf
Duration: 3'26"
Premiered 14 October 2006, Henry Segestrom Concert Hall, Costa Mesa, CA. Rolando Villazón, tenor; Bryndon Hassman, piano
Rolando Villazón, Bolivar Soloists. Deutsche Grammophon B003LQSHCI.
Also part of Il Postino
Archival recording at Fonoteca Nacional, Mexico City.
“Contristada” (1991)
Libretto by Oscar de la Mora
T, pf
Duration: 3'00"
Commissioned by Fernando de la Mora. Dedicated: “Para Fernando y la Beba”
“Del Destino” (1996)
Aria from Florencia en el Amazonas, Act I, scene
Libretto by Marcela Fuentes-Beráin after Gabriel García Márquez
V, pf
Duration: 2'15"
In American Aria Anthology, G. Schirmer Inc. © 2004
“Duet Act I (Now that I Have Found You)” (1992-1993)
Song, excerpt from Antonieta: A Musical
Libretto by Daniel Catán
S, T, pf
Duration: 4'15"
Archival recording at Fonoteca Nacional, Mexico City.
“Giovanni’s Aria” (1983-1989)
Aria from La Hija de Rappaccini
Libretto by Juan Tovar, after Octavio Paz and Nathaniel Hawthorne
T, pf
Duration: 3'00"
In American Aria Anthology, G. Schirmer Inc. © 2004
“Hail the World’s Soul and Mine!” (Undated)
V, pf
Duration: 3'00"
“Nothing can go Wrong” (1992-1993)
Song, excerpt from Antonieta: A Musical
Libretto by Daniel Catán and Francisco Segovia
v, pf
Duration: 2'00"
Archival recording at Fonoteca Nacional, Mexico City.
“Song (When I am dead)” (1992-1993)
Song, excerpt from Antonieta: A Musical
Libretto by Christina Rossetti
v, pf
Duration: 3'45"
Archival recording at Fonoteca Nacional, Mexico City.
“There were days” (1992-1993)
Song, excerpt from Antonieta: A Musical
Libretto by Francisco Segovia
v, pf
Duration: 3'10"
Archival recording at Fonoteca Nacional, Mexico City.
“Trust, Antonieta…” (1992-1993)
Song, excerpt from Antonieta: A Musical
Libretto by Francisco Segovia
v, pf
Duration: 2'00"
Archival recording at Fonoteca Nacional, Mexico City.
“You that think love…” (1992-1993)
Song, excerpt from Antonieta: A Musical
Libretto by Thomas Carew
v, pf
Duration: 3'00"
Archival recording at Fonoteca Nacional, Mexico City.